If I can make one person think once more about one issue, I've done all I can. Maybe I take things too seriously...or maybe you don't take things seriously enough.

Friday, 28 March 2008

An Introduction

It's interesting how peer pressure works. Yesterday, I had a conscious thought to myself, which went along the lines of the following: "Why would I get a blog? No-one would read it anyway."

And here, I find myself typing in a box. Nevermind. This is just a placeholder post, as I happen to have one worth reading. Still, here's to maybe getting some minor readership. At least I won't be doing games journalism, eh?

1 comment:

Iain "DDude" Dawson said...

yaaay! new blog! woot!

Any hope I can plug myself into your "Things You Should Like" section?


(ps, the word verification thing in the comments section suxz! once, it was THREE leters! Now it is qmuxgmmvbs! TEN! How do they figure that out?)